Lesson Plan #2 – Set up a Knowledge Base with a WordPress Plugin

By Lisa Tymoski

1. A brief description of the #2 lesson plan (Purpose, subject, and grade plus any special information you need your readers to know)

This lesson takes the student through setting up a knowledge base plugin called Echo for a WordPress website. A knowledge base is a database of information about a specific application or process. It is a method of performance support for the end user so they get the most out of a course and can find resources when they are trying to use your software on their job.

2. The technology and resources involved (e.g., facility, network, equipment, software, online program, apps, and websites’ URLs)

Learners will need to have an internet connection and the ability to navigate a website. They should have taken the course the knowledge base is associated with, although some end users will skip your class and go straight to the knowledge base to learn your application. The instructor needs to have a WordPress website and install the Echo Knowledge Base plugin.

3. What skills, knowledge, and pedagogy are required of teachers

The instructor needs to know the basics of using WordPress. They should be familiar with the templates and plugins they have on their site. They also need to know how to install a plugin and navigate between the plugin and their dashboard. Basic familiarity with web development is needed. They need to be familiar with creating support documents, be well versed in instructional writing and familiar with creating and editing pages in WordPress.

This lesson is a demonstration or tour of the plugin. I am assuming the student has the basic skills needed to set up this plugin. The plugin is not very different from other plugins or from working with WordPress itself. It does not require a lot of new knowledge for the student.

4. What prior skills and knowledge are required of students

Students should have a WordPress site that they’ve worked with. They should be familiar with their dashboard and how to install and activate plugins. They should have some basic knowledge of how a website handles different styles.

5. What are students asked to do exactly (product or process)

Students are being asked to view a demonstration of setting up a knowledge base plugin. View the lesson plan for a complete explanation of what is being asked of the students.

6. What are the procedures of the project (steps to teach the technology skills)

The lesson walks the user through setting up the knowledge base plugin. This includes customizing the main search/browse page and individual performance support documents that you add to the knowledge base. The student learns how to modify the style of the main page, create or edit articles, set up categories and add tags to their documents. Click this link to view the knowledge base for Camtasia.

7. What are the advantages of the project

Your students will need more support after taking one of your courses. Having support in the same location of your course helps the student learn your application faster and makes the overall educational experience less frustrating.

Demonstrating how to set up the knowledge base with all the basic information is an efficient way to get your students started on their own knowledge base plugin.

8. What are the disadvantages of the project

You must have a WordPress website set up to use this plugin. It takes an advanced beginner level of experience with WordPress to set up this plugin.

9. What types of effective instructional strategies are included

Students have access to the lesson plan, which walks them through the entire process. They can practice the steps as the class progressives. Students are encouraged to contact the instructor with any issues or questions after class.

10. What are the possibilities that innovation can be transferred to other teachers, subject content, and different school settings

This technology can be transferred to other applications, trainers and corporate settings. You just add content for the specific application you want to build a knowledge base for.

A list of sources used

Josh Brown, J., (2019, March 13). Knowledge Base 101: What Is It And Why Should You Care? Helpjuice. https://helpjuice.com/blog/knowledge-base

Echo Knowledge Base. (n.d.). https://www.echoknowledgebase.com/documentation/

Internet Devels., (2019, November 7). How to Create a Knowledge Base on Your WordPress Website. Wishdesk. https://wishdesk.com/blog/create-knowledge-base-in-wordpress

Patterson, M., (n.d.). Knowledge Base 101: Definition, Benefits, Examples, and Tips. Help Scout. https://www.helpscout.com/playlists/knowledge-base/

Back to lesson plan #1.